\n\nTox is very lean and doesn't eat much. He has blonde hair, dyed with a very faint greenish hue. His tentacles and spots are very visible under ultraviolet light, and seem to absorb it. i'll work on the description later numbnuts im laaze\n\n\nREFERENCE COMING SOON hahaha im lazy\n\n\n[[ (BACK) |Start]]\n
whyd u click on this\n\nwhat were u expecting a picture or something\n\nno way, nerd\nnobody knows what he looks like\nexcept tox\npoor tox\n\n\n[[ (BACK) |Start]]\n
\nNAME: "Tox" Toxximus (??????)\nAGE: physically appears about 17. In reality? He's, like, 600. Which is actually kinda young for a tentacle monster, eh?\nGENDER/SEXUALITY: cis male|aromantic-pansexual\nGENERAL: Specialties include a number of tentacles which seem to extend from spots on his back and upper torso. These spots increase when he gets upset or emotional.\nJOB: Guardian of <html><a href="http://irdenen.neocities.org/Home.html">The Home</a>.</html> It's been his one and only duty, and is literally bound to protecting the place- and it's inhabitants- by a [[long-dead human.|bond]] He's only [[half tentacle-monster|tentacles]], due to his rather unusual [[creation|birth]].\n\n -> [[APPEARANCE|picture]]
Tox wasn't born normally, and isn't exactly what one would call a "true-blood tentacle monster" like <html><a href="http://irdenen.neocities.org/timothy.html">a certain someone</a></html> we all know and love.\n\nHe has combined capabilities of a "glow-ghost" and a "tentacle-monster", so... yep, there's that. He has bioluminescent capabilities that seem to be affected by ultraviolet light.\n\n[[ (BACK) |Start]]\n
nobody knows lmao\n\nits a mystery\n\njk i know but tox doesn't like to talk about it\nill add it later maybe ;)))))))\n\n\n[[ (BACK) |Start]]\n
duds | ibbles.tumblr.com \nor -> gjut.deviantart.com
-> long dead human.\n\nWhen Tox was [[brought into being|birth]], he was bonded to The Home and ordered to protect it and all who lived in it. Though those who live in the Home now look to Tox as the true guardian, manager, and owner of the place; Tox knows different.\nHis [[father|father]] of sorts was the architect and true owner of what is now the Home. Tox, however, doesn't talk much about him.\n\n\n[[ (BACK) |Start]]\n